Tranquillity meditation is aimed at developing inner peace, which calms the mind in order to attain samādhi. Insight meditation cultivates wisdom, which will enable us to see the true nature of life a…
I. The Correct Way of Practicing Meditation Now, let us take a closer look at samādhi, which means–when interpreted in a simple way—the state of a steadfast mind. We remember well sammā-samādhi in the…
2. Samādhi for Happiness and Tranquillity Before talking about the last point on samādhi—clear mind, I would like to go over the use of samādhi for happiness and tranquillity. The use of samādhi as a …
3. Samādhi for Clear Mind and Cultivation of Wisdom The Threefold Training system gathers all important Dhammas under one roof. These Dhammas work together to proceed to the ultimate goal—the liberati…
The real value of Samādhi The real value of samādhi lies with wisdom. The difference between samādhi and wisdom is that samādhi renders the mind calm and undefiled for only a limited time. When the mi…
Sati and Samādhi Now how does sati differ from samādhi? The analogy is given of tying up a wild animal, freshly caught from the jungle. The animal runs about wildly. Without the rope to hold it, it wo…
Qualities of Samādhi When the mind is one-pointed, it is said to be like a magnifying glass which is used to concentrate the sun’s rays. Using a magnifying glass, a concentration of energy occur…
Right Samādhi If you want to understand samādhi correctly in the Buddhist sense, you must see it as it is described in the scriptures, as the mind that is malleable, fit for work. The mind that is mal…